eBay is THE most popular home business in the USA, but it’s not without its problems. Many have tried to succeed but have failed due to confusion over what products to sell, giant numbers of competitors, copy and picture theft from other sellers and eBay and Paypal that eat into profits.
One way to avoid this swamp, though, is to do a Joint Venture with established eBay sellers. This allows a JV partner to build her own mailing list and sell products off eBay.
There are multiple advantages to this way of doing business on eBay:
1. The biggest uncertainty for would-be eBay sellers is what products to sell. Sometimes vendors risk large sums of money on untried products, only to lose their investment, become sour and give up. With a Joint Venture there is no risk except for a few hours of time.
2. Since there are no auctions listed on eBay, no one can steal copy or pictures from JV sellers – because there is nothing to copy. In effect, we become invisible – no one even knows we exist and this hidden aspect has many advantages.
3. eBay JVs are usually done with a digital product that can be instantly downloaded. This is great...