If you are relatively new to the concept of having your very own place on the web this article may help fill you in on some of the basics.
There are two main categories of web hosting that I am going to cover in this article. The first is dedicated hosting and the second is shared hosting. The second type ,shared hosting, I usually break down into paid and free. Normally, unless you are a very special person, you can’t get dedicated hosting for free.
Before I break down the hosting types, however, let’s clear up some terminology…
Bandwidth is the amount of data your site can transer in a given period of time. This is sometimes referred to as transfer. When people view your site on the internet they are downloading it from the server and this uses up your bandwidth.
Storage is basically the measure of hard drive space your web site is allowed to take up on a server.
OK, now on to the rest of it…
Dedicated hosting , or more like dedicated server, is where your web site gets one entire server to itself. You are pretty much entitled to all of the resources this server has to offer. The entire bandwith and hard drive...