A Beginner’s Guide To Bad Credit What Does Your Credit Rating Say About You?
If youve ever experienced financial problems in the past then the chances are that any mistakes youve made (whether you know youve made them or not!) will be recorded on your credit record. In many cases these mistakes will occur as a result of financial problems you may have experienced but often you can get a bad credit history without really doing anything wrong.
The majority of problems that will give you a bad credit record will happen if you have problems managing your finances. So, if you miss a credit card payment, default on your mortgage, are declared bankrupt or are given a CCJ (county Court Judgement) against you for one reason or another then this will all show up on your credit rating, for example. These kinds of issues will all count as negatives.
But, other issues can give you bad marks on your credit rating. For example, simple factors like your marital status and whether you have children can give you plus or minus points. The fact is that it isnt just what you do with your money that comes up on your credit rating you can have a rating that is less than...