Achieve the most from digital photography and enhance digital pictures with SnapTouch.
A digital camera is only as good as the pictures it takes. Experienced photographers spend hours touching-up images to achieve the best visual results and preparing the pictures for printing. Digital photographers make countless choices deciding which camera and settings to use to take a picture, and what software and which tools to use to enhance the picture afterwards. At each post-processing step, the tools you use to enhance the picture affect the image, enhancing or degrading the result.
Regardless of your choice of photographic software, one thing is certain. The computer and image editing software are an essential part of the digital workflow. Computer-edited digital pictures appear in newspapers and glossy magazines, billboards and advertisements. If you have just one image, spending an hour in Adobe Photoshop to get the perfect print makes sense. If you take hundreds of images, however, taking care to enhance each individual image consumes so much time and effort that many prefer to forget the whole idea. But what if you had a proper tool to make your digital workflow...