The novel technology of mobile telephony has over the last years become the focus point of numerous discussions, both in academia and business environments, due to its tremendously social penetrating abilities. Making the conveyance from telephone’s cultural heritage to that of the mobile’s augmented reality has generated as much support from various critics, as it has discontent. But the fact still remains that for the privileged developed half of the world, mobiles have become to be viewed as a trendy necessity as well as a social networking tool.
An electronic telecommunications device, the mobile phone or cellular phone, commonly referred to as the “cell,” has become one of those personal property items that can fit the criteria of being both a gadget and a tool. Offering its communicating services since the early to mid 1980s, the considerably larger version of the mobile phone was permanently installed in vehicles as car phones. As technological innovations made miniaturization possible, the majority now of mobile phones are easily controlled and operated single-handed. Moreover, the standard voice feature has been enhanced with additional...