Surgery is often a popular choice for wart removal. Usually following home treatment and chemical applications on the warts that has failed, surgery remains a common choice for many who seek wart removal. The reason is simple: surgery works. Its effective, simple surgery, usually performed in a doctors office or outpatient center, causes a minimum of pain, very little scarring in the hands of a talented, skilled professional and is usually covered by insurance.
There are two forms of commonly used surgical techniques used for wart removal.
The first is a combination of electrosurgery and curettage. Electrosurgery means using tools that send a small electrical charge into the head of the wart, effectively burning it. Curettage means cutting the wart off completely using a surgeons knife or a specially designed spoon shaped device intended for this use. Most often, these two procedures are used together, sending the wart into shock with the electricity and then removing it with the spoon shaped surgeons knife. Lately, state of the art lasers have been used with growing popularity and enviable success rates. They effectively burn off the wart by shooting an intense...