Our family is in the habit of going to a local farmers’ market during the summer and fall to get farm-fresh fruits and vegetables. I admit that I have to work a bit harder during the off- season, when seasonal produce is less plentiful, to make sure that my plate is just as colorful. For overall health, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is essential year-round.
A good starting place in your quest for color is the freezer case. Frozen melon cubes, berries, peach slices and even pineapple chunks are available year-round. Frozen spinach is one of my favorites for convenience-it is washed, cut and ready to be tossed into a soup or pasta dish. From a nutritional standpoint, it has just as much vitamin A and fiber as fresh-cooked spinach.
Next, stop in the canned fruit and vegetable aisle. “Our studies show that the nutrition value of canned fruits and vegetables is comparable to fresh and frozen varieties,” notes Barbara Klein, Ph.D., professor of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana. Dr. Klein points out that the canning process does not affect the amount of fiber in fruits and vegetables. Canned pumpkin,...