A Few Computer Lessons To Get You On The Right Path
If you dont know how to use a computer at all, its a good idea to get a computer lesson and get started. Even just having a basic working knowledge of how to use a computer and how to use the internet will drastically increase the amount of things you can do and open a lot of doors that would otherwise be shut for you.
Indeed, if you are still working or looking for employment (i.e.; not yet retired) knowing how to use a computer will allow you to do a world of different jobs you never would have been able to before.
You are extremely limited in the kind of work you can do without any knowledge of computers, so it is well worth whatever the fees are for a computer lesson or two.
Of course, if you are reading this you probably already have at least a basic knowledge of computers because you are online right now. Even if you already know the basic skills to use the internet and some simple programs like word processors or spread sheet programs, an additional computer lesson or two can still be very valuable.
Most programs have loads of features above and beyond the more obvious ones. Word for...