More and more people turn to online shopping every day. The number of people shopping online is staggering. With this increase the instances of credit card fraud has also started to increase very rapidly. If someone steals your credit card nowadays, they can easily run up a large bill online shopping with fraudulent purchases. Before the days of the Internet, when someone stole your credit card, there was still a chance that someone would ask for identification before they would let you buy something. However the Internet takes that human interaction out of buying, so it is harder to stop people from making fraudulent purchases. Here are a few tips for safe online shopping.
The first tip that you should do when safely shopping online is to make sure that the web site you are shopping on is a reputable web site and that any payment screen is part of a secured site. You can tell if a web site is secured by looking in the bottom right hand corner of the browser for a padlock. If the lock is locked, then you are on a secure site. If the lock is not locked, then you are not on an unsecured site.
The next tip for safe online shopping you should make sure you do is to...