A Franchise Business Is Not The Right Opportunity For Everybody
With a franchise business, the chances of success are much higher. According to the US Department of Commerce, after completing a 7 year study, over 90% of franchises are still trading profitably.
So why am I saying that a franchise business might not be right for you?
A franchise is not right for you if:
1) You are the type of person who does not like following guidelines
2) You believe that you know better then everybody else
3) You can’t accept other people’s advice
4) You want to change the look and feel of the product
5) You want to do things your way
6) You expect others to take responsibility
7) You dont believe in hard work
8) You are aggressive and can’t control your temper
9) You are not ready for commitment
10) You can’t work with people
The limitations to a franchise opportunity are that you will not be able to deviate from procedures. You will have to buy from predetermined suppliers and use the computer systems and software that has been chosen by the franchiser. You will also be limited to...