If you want to work part-time or full-time from home, you must decide whether or not working being your own boss is right for you. Next, you need to consider what type of freelance work you want to do. Freelancers can tap into many opportunities, both online and offline. Having a successful freelance career starts with evaluating your own skills and requirements in a job and then finding the right match.
Sometimes the best place to start with your freelance career is where your staff employment had ended. Many people find they can become independent contractors in the field in which they previously worked. You can use your previous work experience as a launching pad for your freelance career. Some ways to use your experience include: finding a company that hires people in your field to work from home; or using your previous experience to become an expert freelancer in your field; or starting a business related to your previous field.
Some people look at their freelance careers as a way to break out of their old job. If youd like to try something completely different, there are many opportunities for entry-level work as a freelancer. Many of these jobs deal with...