While we generally think of diamonds as clear and colorless the fact is that color is one of the four characteristics of diamonds that determines their value. A diamond that is perfect i.e., chemically pure with no imperfections is transparent and has no color or hue. Most natural diamonds that are the size of gems are not perfect, however. Diamond color is affected by structural defects in the diamonds crystal lattice and by chemical impurities. Color isnt all bad for a diamond, however. Depending on the intensity of the color, and of the hue, the color can actually enhance its value.
Most white diamonds, for example, cost less if they have a yellow hue that the naked eye can detect. In contrast, blue or pink diamonds as so intense in color that they have a dramatic look. The Hope Diamond is one example of this.
Most diamonds that are used as gems are almost totally transparent with just a little tint. These are called white diamonds. Nitrogen is the most common diamond impurity, as it replaces a little bit of the diamonds carbon atoms and thus gives off a brownish or yellow tint. This is a very common effect in white diamonds. A diamond is very rare if this...