I believe that every moment of existence holds within it, somewhere, a key to your true nature. So as you read this article, do so as if this could be your key, and lets see which doors it opens within you.
There is a simple fact of nature that I would like you to consider YOU ARE ALREADY PERFECT!
All of nature, or existence, or reality, or whatever you prefer to call it, is already perfect.
There is nothing outside of you that you need to find to complete you. You are already complete.
There is nothing you need to achieve. There is nothing you need to get, do or become. Everything you need to be you is already within you. You are perfect, as is all other creation.
A rock is a rock. It doesnt try to be anything other than itself. It does not look elsewhere for its identity. It just is, and its perfect.
A tree does not try to be something its not. Its a tree. And it spends its time just being. Without struggle, it is what it is- perfect.
I have a cat named Schrody. Now Schrody lives an incredibly free life, because he simply is who he is. He spends his time just being Schrody. And he does it perfectly.
There is not one...