Today there are thousands of websites claiming to be the way to get rich quick online. While some of these websites do provide quality practical information, most are just trying to sell you products and are only trying to make themselves rich quick online. So with so much information out there, how do we know which info to trust and whom to believe?
First off, if you are interested in making an income online you need to be realistic about what you are good at, what you like, and how much effort you are going to put into your project. For example, if you are a vegetarian, it doesnt make since to have a website selling steaks or hunting equipment. However, if you are a vegetarian, you may want to focus your online business around natural health products or healthy lifestyles.
So once you decide on the theme of your website, how do you get content and products to sell?
Finding content for your website is easy, and you do not have to be a great writer. You can automate your content with an RSS feed or some other kind of news feed. You can also pull articles from article directories that relate to the theme of your site. Search engines will like your...