A Little Known Fact When Quitting Smoking And How To Stay Quit
Have you ever gotten yourself in a situation where you have quitted smoking for perhaps 1, 2 or 3 weeks, sometimes even months or years only to find yourself crawling back to square one as it if it was a snake and ladder board game?
You find yourself picking up the cigarette and lighting it away again? I have to admit. I did. That is because I was lacking of something, of which I had to learn the hard way. And maybe this is perhaps why I am sharing my experience with you so you could avoid this mistake in the future.
Im sure you would know that most of time, smokers use the excuse of releasing stress to smoke. For some reason, this release stress has become a reality which in fact is not. The only reason you feel relaxed are due to the soothing of the nicotine addiction. The fact is… you do not need cigarettes in your life!
The problem: Many have associated cigarettes can actually release stress that it became the truth.
So after awhile, when a person which is going through the process on quitting smoking is incapable of handling stress, guess what he turns to?...