A Look Back At Video Game History Do You Remember Pac Man, Space Invaders And Super Mario Brothers?
Of all the things that the 1970s produced, there are few that made as big of a cultural impact as video games. Theres no question about it: video games have been a significant force in society and one of the most popular leisure pursuits. Chances are if youre under the age of 40, you played them, some of us a lot. There was Atari, Intellivision and Colecovision. Dont forget Sega and Nintendo. Today there are web sites that allow you to download free online games.
And if you remember those days of the late 70s and early 80s, you recall that the games relied on graphic improvements and better ways of shooting the enemy. It was more or less a solitary pursuit. With the rise of the Internet and online games however, lots of things changed, including the ability to download games and playing online games, making games a more social activity, with lots of players, or opponents playing each other from different countries. This may be the biggest change and the latest benefit that games have offered the world.
But what about the early days? How did it all start and...