The accomplishments of our work from home ventures are not based on products or marketing plans. The opportunities for creating our home business achievements are completely dependent upon us. The mental fortitude applied to the development of our online company will determine success or failure. During the journey, the challenges that cross our path will be confidence, persistence, endurance, setbacks and change. They will come and we must be ready.
Where is our confidence level?
The best way to measure confidence is through our attitude toward challenges. Do we say I think I can do it or I know I can do it? Before developing a home based business, we must convince ourselves that success will happen. Self-talk will give a good indication of our readiness. Analyze our thought processes on a daily basis. We must build the foundation for success from the beginning of our internet venture. Dont say I think! say I will! And believe it!
How is our persistence?
When developing the opportunity to make money online, we will meet a variety of obstacles. These barriers are similar to the challenges in our personal lives. Do we look at these obstacles as...