As Miriam rushed through the hangar door and whisked herself over to the operations desk she requested from the equally busy coordinator the flight itinerary/report for her trip that afternoon. She glanced at the paperwork and paused to reflect on what was ahead of her for the day and then indulged herself to look back on the events of the day earlier.
Less than three hours before, Miriam was fast asleep the previous day was a busy one as she finished painting the bathroom and the bedroom closet of her new home and was just days from making her move from her present crowded apartment to the homey little cape that she had just bought. Jarred awake by the ringing telephone, Miriam glanced and saw that the clock read 8:11. Good grief! Who could this be?, she thought. It was Jack from Flight Operations who was calling to explain to her that a trip had popped up for later that afternoon (TEB-MDW-BUR-TEB) and he wanted her to fill in. Having just been permanently reassigned to the companys Gulfstream fleet of aircraft, she did not want to pass the opportunity by. Yes, she had some hard days off, but she was also moving into a new home and the cash would certainly help....