One of the most top-rated television shows currently on air would be Heroes, a sci-fi series created by Tim Kring. It is an epic drama that shares the lives of seemingly ordinary people who later discovers that they possess extraordinary abilities. This TV series somewhat copies the style of American comic books in aesthetic as well as storytelling. The shows starts with a genetic professor from India, Dr. Mohinder Suresh and his father’s theory that there are people with extraordinary abilities living among us humans. Starting with Claire Bennet, an indestructible cheerleader who needs to hide her abilities from her peers while working to maintain her relationship with her father, a man of mystery who has a keen interest in people like her. Niki Sanders, a Las Vegas single mother with superb strength and has a dangerous mirror image struggles to support and protect her young son Micah, a genius who can interact with electronic machinery through touch. Matt Parkman, a police detective from Los Angeles, attempts to put his ability to hear thoughts of others to good use. Meanwhile, in Japan, Hiro Nakamura’s ability to travel through space-time continuum has empowered...