There are many different techniques you can use to tap into the amazing power of your thoughts. I have here for you a simple visualization exercise which becomes extremely powerful when you master it.
Visualization basically means to sustain an idea or image in our mind of what we want to create for a few minutes everyday. A good example can be that sports persons today use visualization just before they compete. They envision themselves successful in whatever sport it is that they play. And the result is that their game improves drastically.
You should know that the subconscious mind can not distinguish between what is real and what is imagined! Take a few seconds right now and close your eyes. Imagine that you are drinking pure lemon juice for example. Then watch how you react.
The visualization should also be in a conscious and controlled manner, and should be as real and vivid as possible. We should be able to feel the desired result taking place right in front of us and it is a skill that must be developed for most people, so some patience is needed.
Here is a simple technique to develop your visualization skills…
1. First relax...