A Simple Personal Development Method For Bonding Yourself To Success
Regardless of which method or belief system about personal development that you subscribe to, the fact that your state of mind is the primary fuel for your success is a foregone conclusion.
However, knowing that fact and putting it into action are two different things. In order to maximize your personal development results, make this simple method a part of your conscious efforts.
For this exercise, we will use the example of weight loss, but you can do this exercise with anything in your life that you want to improve, including finances, relationships, etc.
Step 1 Think of someone who has what you consider to be a nice body. Get a clear picture of that person in your head using as many details as possible.
Step 2 Now consider what you think that person has as a result of having that nice body.
Do they have a very attractive partner? Do they have more opportunities in life because they are more physically appealing? Do they have more friends? Do they command more respect? Are they going to live longer because of their level of health?
Step 3 Think of the top...