This article will give you a quick introduction into the process of being approved for a credit card. This is a very simple process but not one you may be familiar with if you are a college student and starting out with no credit. Let’s begin with the student credit card.
When you want to start building credit, it may seem overwhelming with the numbers of choices you have out there. There are so many different places you can have a credit card from. Many companies offer credit cards because they are highly profitable and it is one of the easiest ways to make money due to the likelihood a percentage of their customers will carry a balance which is great for the card companies.
To apply for a credit card, take a look at where you want to get a card from. You can get a card from your local retail stores or from your bank or credit union. Most of the applications are very simple. Most companies will ask for the same information: your name, social security number, address, birth date and mother’s maiden name.
Your mother’s maiden name is used to verify your identity. Depending upon what application you are filling out, it may also have a...