If you hate cold calling, and even if you don’t, you should start capitalizing on the work youve already done.
So often we dont utilize one of the most persuasive selling components in our marketing materials the words of our own clients. Many creative people have wonderful testimonials from clients, but never use them for fear that they are bragging or that it is too self promotional.
Well of course its self promotional! Thats what good marketing is!
When you are finished a project for a client, why not capture that moment in the client’s own words to use for showing potential clients the value of your services? Testimonials are even more crucial for creative businesses because it is more difficult for the average person to set a value on most arts related items and services. Seeing others talk about the value of working with you will help them more readily understand the value of your work.
If your client doesnt come running to you with a testimonial, then ask her for one. There is nothing wrong with that and most clients are honored you asked them.
The best testimonials are ones that show a measurable goal has been...