Im the Queen of the Focus message in the Work at Home Mom Community. I believe its important to have a tight focus when youre developing or growing a home business that will pass the test of time and bring in a reliable income.
This is especially true when it comes to a Direct Sales business. If youve opted to join a Direct Sales company such as Mary Kay, Pampered Chef or Lia Sophia you will experience the highest level of success if you keep all of your business attentions on that one company.
There is a temptation for some Direct Sellers to branch off into a complimentary business. They may think that a gourmet food company would be a perfect addition to a Pampered Chef business, and at first glance it might seem to be so but it really isnt.
The beauty of Direct Sales is that its a ready made business. The company has done all the hard work for you when it comes to a sales plan, promotional materials, etc. Marketing experts have designed a system that has been proven to work if you just work it so anything you do to muddy up the message is going to reduce your effectiveness.
There are some businesses that do benefit from diversification,...