Interest in home schooling has been growing. In fact, More and more families want to try out this seemingly novel method of teaching and educating children. Home schooling provides many benefits for families as well as the home school students. Some may be new to the concept but it is not that totally new.
The method of trying to educate children at home has its origins at the time when schools were limited in number, with students far outnumbering the capacity of schools, if at all available in the community. It may have been hard to believe, but there were times long ago that most countries were not capable of having the younger population educated. Then it was an absolute necessity for parents to have their children home schooled.
Back then, sometime between the 18th and 19th centuries, home schooling was the primary educational force that has helped advance every child’s learning until he grew up into an adult. During those times, the child’s education was limited to how much their parents can teach them.
That is why during the 19th century, with all the progress going on all over the world, it has been realized that the government should...