A Virtual Assistant Needs A Website That Is A Client Magnet!
One of the most essential and first tools you should consider getting when beginning you Virtual Assistant business is a website. Your website is your virtual ‘home, and should be an important part of your marketing plan. Your potential clients will want to know as much about you as they can find out before speaking to you in person.
While it’s true a large amount of your client base will come from referrals, you can be sure they’ll ask for a website address when considering margin contact.
As you design your site (or have someone design it for you), put yourself into the position of a potential client. What would someone want to know about you, your business and your services? Make sure you provide full contact information thats easy to find – you’d be amazed how many people build a great site but leave no way to be contacted.
Your website will need a few key components that potential clients will be on the lookout for:
Contact Info:
As mentioned previously this should be easy to find so when people want to hire your services, they...