Babies talk when you touch them. claimed a certified massage therapist. A mother’s touch and stroking hands to her baby’s body is an expression of communication for both parties. There are innumerable medical facts that support the importance of touch.
Interest in hands-on therapies has become very popular nowadays that even conventional physicians now embrace these treatments as beneficial not only in reducing stress, but also in speeding post-surgery recovery, managing addictions, and ending chronic pain from migraines, arthritis, and other serious afflictions.
We have come a long way in understanding the importance of touch with human development. To prove the theory that touching boosts the immune system, a host of researchers have undertaken a series of tests and verification procedures. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there was a decreased level of cortisol and an increased number killer-cell activity in research subjects that were given touch and massage therapy. Natural killer cells are immune-system cells that are important in killing virus-infected cells and cancer cells. For children with chronic diseases, touch can...