There has been a huge growth in the number of cold calls, and unsolicited offers that people receive on their home and business phones. The process can be very intrusive and frustrating and is the subject of a growing number of complaints. Many of these calls come from phone companies, especially mobile phone providers but they are also for new windows, for insurance and for credit among other things.
If you are offered credit over the phone, it can be quite tempting, especially if you have poor credit or have had difficulty in getting credit in the past. However, there are some risks involved and you should be careful. The primary concern with these types of calls is that at the end of the day, if you are the recipient of the call, you do not know who is calling you. Just because someone says they are from a respectable bank or credit card provider does not necessarily mean they are, and you should accordingly be cautious about what information you give out over the phone. Of course, if you have made the call, or have requested it from a reputable lender, then this will be far less of a concern.
Do not, under any circumstances, be pressured into giving out...