Accessories for your new notebook computer
Just spent big money on another notebook?.Now you need accessories.Here are a few accessory ideas you may want to think about to make the set up complete.
1: Notebook bag
You can’t very well go travelling around the globe with your laptop exposed to the weather.
When it comes to laptop bags, you can spend 15 for a basic case made from cheap materials or up to a hundred pounds on one made of quality leather.some notebooks have the bag as a give-away, i find that you can get an affordable one by shopping around and not neccessarilly buying the exact one, but one that will do the job. Personally i pick one that is big enough to hold a few accessories besides.
2: Software
Did your notebook come with software? If so, did it come with the right software – the software you actually need to perform whatever tasks you require?
Don’t just assume you have everything you need. You’ll probably need to add some software, as well as go on the net to update the software that was included.
3: A Real USB Mouse
The inbuilt touch-pad does the job. However, given the...