You’ve decided to take up the exciting and challenging sport of mountain biking. Unlike casual biking, you need much more than just a helmet to ensure that you have a safe ride as you hit the trails.
Mountain biking is such a popular sport that there is now a vast range of accessories for both men and women. Make sure you do a bit of research on each item you want to purchase to make sure you buy the best quality for the amount of money you want to spend.
Bike helmet
We may be listing the bike helmet as an ‘accessory’ but it really isn’t. It is a necessary piece of equipment. In mountain biking, it is not a question of if you’re going to fall, it’s a question of when. And when you take a header over your handlebars, having a secure helmet on your head could well save your life. Although you can buy most accessories second hand if you so desire, the bike helmet is something that you want to buy brand-new, and make sure that it fits your head properly. And if you do have an accident in which any damage occurs to the helmet, the wisdom is that you should purchase another one. One accident per helmet – that’s...