Many people have different opinions about the relationship between skiing and snowboarding. Some hardcore enthusiasts in these sports maintain that these two are distinct and different from each other. Nonetheless, skiing and snowboarding share the same platforms and manner of execution, namely snowy slopes and downward acceleration. This results to almost the same approach in the preparation and equipment perspectives of the two.
Whether you are a first timer or a veteran at skiing and snowboarding, you must learn how to prepare physically and mentally before subjecting yourself to the unforgettable adrenaline rush that these two sports offer. And that includes protecting yourself against possible injuries that can happen while you are speeding down the slope.
Besides training hard to improve performance level and overall skills, you must completely comply with the safety requirements to become a confident participant in these two sports. As over one hundred thousand people are unnecessarily injured in skiing and skateboarding every year, a serious effort to prepare against injury in these two sports is imperative.
In skiing and snowboarding, the key to...