Doctors and Pharmaceutical giants know that their drugs and antacids do not cure heartburn or acid reflux. They have known for a long time that their drugs simply suppress the condition and continue the cycle of heartburn, acid reflux, and drugs. If you have fallen prey to this medical cycle, for sure you are headed toward serious malnutrition. The inability to feed your body the nutrients it needs will result in the diseases that you now see in most elderly people.
Because your mouth and stomach are the first step in getting nutrients into your body, you don’t want to get this step wrong. If you are taking Prevacid, Prilosec, Aciphex, Protonix, Nexium, or even antacid, its time you re-evaluated the use of these drugs.
Fact1: Your stomach is designed to have a pH of 3.0 or less, more acidic
Fact 2: When you stomach pH is consistently higher than 3.0, more alkaline, you create disease
Fact 3: Taking heartburn or reflux drugs or antacids raises and keeps your stomach pH above 3.0 and higher.
When your stomach has the proper pH, it digests your food so that,
The meat you eat is broken down into amino acids that you absorb...