Acne is the eruption of lesions on various parts of your body. You could have acne on your face, on your chest, on your back, on your neck, on your shoulders, and even on the upper part of your arms. These acne lesions might appear as blackheads, whiteheads, nodules or cysts. Most people get acne in their teen years. Some get it in their forties. Acne isn’t going to threaten your life, of course, but it could seriously interfere with it, especially if it disfigures you for the rest of your life. Acne doesn’t have to be severe to cause disfigurement.
The onset of puberty brings hormonal changes to our bodies and these changes can cause acne. Oil glands, called sebaceous glands because they secrete sebum (oil) are now working more than they were during your childhood before puberty. Androgens, male hormones, are the primary culprit for this abundant secretion. Girls and women have androgens, though they don’t have as many as boys and men.
A hair follicle starts the acne ball rolling. This sebaceous follicle, inside the sebaceous gland, is where acne happens. Puberty gets skin lining cells shedding more than in childhood but when they stick together...