Acne is a very common skin disorder which has become problem for all ages. The teen years can be tough and sometimes even after passing those adolescent years acne may not leave you alone. After passing through that testing phase of acne you have to clear another milestone of the scars left behind due to acne. Acne may leave you at some point or other but the scars become very visible and your face is the one which gets most affected.
There are different types of acne scars which causes severe damage to your skin
Ice-pick scars are mainly seen on the cheek and are mostly small and can be shallow or deep. These can sometimes be hard or soft to touch. The soft scars can be worked upon by stretching and the same cannot be done to the hard ice-pick scars.
Depressed fibrotic scars in comparison to ice-pick scars are very large which has sharp edges and steep sides. The metamorphosis of ice-pick scars leads to depressed fibrotic scars with the passage of time.
Soft scars as the name suggest is soft to touch and like a mountain erupts from the skin. They are small, circular and very linear in shape.
Atrophic macules are small but when it happens...