As people all over the world are engulfed in the epidemic of the chronic disease obesity, we also cannot shrink our thoughts away from the life-threatening influence of smoking. And if traits of obesity and smoking go hand-in-hand very little can be done for the treatment of such an individual. There have been quite a number of diet pills flourishing the markets for the past few years but now for the first time a diet pill is to be launched which is to have an additional function as an antismoking drug other than weight loss.
An experimental pill that offers the fairy-tale promise of helping people lose weight and quit smoking has already created a stir in this world with a large chunk of its population fighting the two vices. The diet pill has been the brain-child of French pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis and will be marketed as the brand name Acomplia. The main component of Acomplia diet pill is Rimonabant. It works by blocking CB1 receptor, one of two receptors found in a newly described physiological system called the Endocannabinoid System (EC System), believed to play a critical role in the regulation of food intake and energy expenditure. These receptors...