Acquiring And Using Testimonials For Your Product, Service Or Website
One of the most effective ways of persuading potential customers is by providing social proof of the value of your product. This proof is usually in the form of a testimonial from a satisfied customer. What are the best ways to obtain and use testimonials for your product?
The easiest and less proactive method is to simply wait for a customer to send one to you. Even if you have a good product, it could take a long time to accumulate a number of good testimonials. This is why you will probably want to take a more active roll in obtaining testimonials.
One method would be to include a survey with the delivery of every product. The best responses from the survey could then be used for your testimonials, plus you may get some valuable feedback to make improvements. This method can also be used in a more active way by calling customers and, with their permission, recording the responses.
A more direct approach is to simply contact customers by phone or in writing and explain that you are starting a new ad campaign and would like to share some of the benefits that previous customers...