How do you know whether your advertising is effective or not? The answer is to track advertising response for each ad you run.
Whether you operate a retail store, a service business, a mail order operation, or an Internet marketing business, you can measure the effectiveness of your advertising.
1. Which Publications Produce Profits?
When new customers phone or visit you, ask how they found out about you. They might say they found you through your yellow pages ad or your newspaper ad.
Record the responses and resulting sales from each ad. Then, analyze whether each particular advertisement is producing the desired results.
If an advertisement consistently produces profits for you, keep running it. On the other hand, if an ad consistently performs poorly or produces a loss, discontinue it.
In mail order, you can key each ad so that you can measure the resulting sales from each publication.
For example, you could add “Dept. A” to your name or address in the ad to indicate the July issue of a particular magazine. Key it as “Dept. B” for the August issue of the same magazine. “Dept. C” could...