Over the last few years, thousands and thousands of homeowners have financed or refinanced their homes with ARM’s, Adjustable Rate Mortgages.
ARM’s are mortgages that are tied in to lower interest rates in the beginning so that many homeowners can afford their monthly payments. As long as interest rates stay even or go lower, the home owner is fine. The danger comes when interest rates start to rise. Monthly payments can go up hundreds of dollars when the interest rate/payment terms come into effect.
That danger is now. Interest rates have been going up as The Federal Reserve has raised rates for the 15th time in the last two years. And, it doesn’t look like rates are going to stop going higher anytime soon. As these mortgages reset to higher rates and payments, many of these ARM homeowners are going to be in a financial bind. Many may even lose their homes.
According to the Mortgage Bankers Association at the end of 2005, some states such as Michigan, Missouri, Tennessee and Alabama have as many as 20% of the ARM homeowners behind by thirty days or more. Foreclosure proceedings usually start when a homeowner is ninety days late....