AdSense How To
Can you make money with Google AdSense? AdSense is for people who own a website or BLOG and put those ads you see on their own web site to make money. The ads you see all over the Internet on web sites, are people who put those ads on their web sites in hopes to make a lot of money from Google, Yahoo, MSN and others when people click on them.
Some BLOG services do not allow you to post AdSense. Some will let you put one set of articles on your web site. Google allows three (3) per page. For example, you will see some sites with a tall skyscraper ad, then a horizontal ad, or just some text ads, placed in different areas on the page. That doesn’t mean you should put three on each page if it will hinder from your content or look and feel of your page for the user.
It is also very important to customize each ad to make sure it blends in with your page. It should look natural. Statistics have shown the blue link, black text, and light grey URL ( link convert the best. The horizontal ad toward the top, center of the page, looking like it is part of your page also converts to people viewing it and clicking on it...