Following a tip off from several usually reliable sources it has come to my attention that Adsense is dead. It would appear that if you have been making any money from Adsense you may as well give up, shut down your site and do something else instead.
Have you been feeling this way too?
So many people have Adsense products to sell, and so many are using worst case scenarios to tell you how bad it’s going to be for your site as the search engine business does what it has always done, and revises its algorithms. These doom and gloom merchants cite everything from duplicate content to the small but necessary changes the search engines make on a regular basis to avoid the spam, and keyword stuffed useless link and ad farms that arise to take advantage of their last updates.
So what do you as an Adsense website owner have to do to maintain your revenue?
Despite the views to the contrary, you need to do what you should always have been doing. Test and tune. Every sales site, lead page, and Adsense website you build should be monitored, and tested, then tuned to test some more to keep it always earning you as much as possible. When things change,...