Adult Acne Treatment – What You Should Take Care Of
Just when you thought you’d finally got through all the skin problems related to puberty, you wake up one day and find acne. If you ask a dermatologist, you will find out acne is not just a problem for teens. Fortunately, there are some treatments that will help you fight adult acne successfully.
Adult Acne Facts
Doctors say adult acne is a common problem, but unfortunately an under-recognized one. Most people think acne it just for kids, but it can happen in later years too. It is more common in women than in men. Statistics show that acne affects about 25% of all adult men and 50% of all adult women at some point during their adult life.
At the bottom of acne lies the pimple, which doctors call comedo. A pimple is a plug of fat, skin debris and keratin stuck in a hair duct. When it is open, we call it a blackhead and when it’s closed over, a whitehead. Whiteheads can cause the walls of the hair duct to rupture, leading to redness, infection and cysts of acne.
Many people think that acne is a result of poor hygiene, but this is not true. Both adult and teen acne are caused...