Being healthy isn’t easy, and if you have adult ADD, you may be skipping over this part entirely. You probably forget to eat meals and just grab whatever candy bar or fast food snack is at hand. You need to remember one thing, though. If you don’t eat, you die. Its’ as simple as that. So, even if you have to be led to the banquet table, you have to remember that healthy meals are not an option.
It’s not that hard to eat things that are good for you, even if you have adult ADD. Forget that bagel and egg and cheese and bacon sandwich every morning. Yuck! All bad for you. Instead, buy some granola bars, some breakfast cookies, or anything that you can just grab on your way out the door. Or, if you have some time to spend eating, try some yogurt or fresh fruit on a bowl of cereal. Oatmeal with cinnamon is even good for your heart, and it’s very easy to fix in the microwave these days. Spend time in easy food preparation instead of sitting in line at the drive-through restaurant.
You have to remember to eat lunch, too. If you frequently skip it, you’re not doing such a hot job. Set at timer or even one in electronic organizing...