If you have ADD and youre in a situation right now where you want an end result, whatever that may be, say… Make more money. And youre very specific about that end result, but have no idea how to get there, you have to ask more questions. It’s the only answer.
Successful people generally do things in an ADD way that they dont really realize. Heres the ADD way step one is decide what you want very specifically. Im making $2,000 a month; I want to make $5,000 a month. That’s your end result.
From knowing the end result, you have to back into things, which is a very good way for people with ADD to do things. This is where the questions start. You have to start asking more questions. Ask yourself first, “How could I go from $2,000 a month to $3,000 a month?” Now you get to use your incredible ADD creativity.
You decide, “I could get more clients,” or “I could leverage this or that.” Get your ADD brain cranking on ideas. Whatever the specifics are, you get to use your creativity in asking more questions in a really positive way.
To be more successful, whether you have ADD or not, you have to decide...