About one in every 10 five-year-olds experience bed wetting. This is why bed wetting in young children is an acknowledged and accepted condition, similar to experiencing measles. That is, children develop immunity from measles and they eventually outgrow bedwetting.
Bed wetting in older children, although less talked about, is also an accepted condition. Parents even seek out the help of health professionals to find solutions to stop or reduce the bedwetting. Among teenagers, bedwetting is already embarrassing. Yet, there are recognized remedies to address this condition of some unfortunate teenagers.
Among adults, bedwetting is an issue that has become taboo. Adult bed wetters do everything so that their condition will not be known by any of their friends. Invitations from friends asking them to be house guests leave them in terror. And their bed wetting may be the major reason why they never pursue more intimate relationships with their loved ones.
Unfortunately for people suffering adult bed wetting, there is very literature available that dwell upon their enuresis problem. And many adults who have this problem refuse to seek medical help. For those who...