an article from User Written Resources
1. duplicate the styles already used for the particular module, adding a suffix to each style name. this will definitely include some of the following;
1. .module {}
2. div.moduletable {}
3. div.moduletable h3 {}
4. table.moduletable {}/li>
5. table.moduletable th
6. table.moduletable td
and can include other styles used on the content in that section, such as;
1. ol, ul, li {}
2. a:link,a:visited,a:hover {}
3. a.readon:link,a.readon:visited,a.readon:hover {}
and others, note that certain modules already may have specific css styles associated with them (such as latestnews & mostread lists) so if you are modifying one of these modules, you might need to either remove the specific style so the module class suffix style can be applied, or just change those specific styles.
example from “freemambo template”
table.moduletable { float: left; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: 152px; background: url(../images/leftright.gif); } table.moduletable th { background: url(../images/subhead_bg.gif); font-size: 10px;...