Some people like to fly fish from their canoe. But there are advantages and disadvantages to this unusual combinations of activities.
People usually fly fish from land, standing still in water or from a larger boat. Fly fishing from a canoe may seem crazy at first, but there are many advantages to be had. There are also disadvantages, but after you overcome them, you are sure to have a wonderful fishing adventure.
You will have to overcome some disadvantages before you even try to fly fish from a canoe. You might find it hard in the beginning to maintain control of your line since you are closer to the water than usual. If you catch a fish, you might find it difficult to reel in without tipping the canoe. Especially if it is a giant fish! Another disadvantage might be the tendency of the canoe to disturb the water. If you can stay motionless and are accustomed to the boat then disturbing the water will not be a problem. When you get over these few disadvantages, you will experience the best fishing ever!
The advantages of fly fishing in a canoe are significant if you can overcome the disadvantages listed above. Being...