As a student looking for a credit card, everything is going to be foreign to you at first. Dont worry, it happens to all of us. The best thing about applying for a credit card online is that youre able to read all of the terms and conditions before applying without having someone breathing down your neck while getting that free t-shirt.
By now, youve probably noticed those pesky credit card tents set up on your campus. Its quite simple, you sign up and the companies either supply you with a free lunch or an extra large t-shirt that youll never wear. America likes free things and this is exactly why these types of systems work.
Lets look at the downfall of applying for a credit card for that free t-shirt. When applying, youre not going to be able to know exactly what youre applying for. Youre going to feel rushed when filling out the form and sometimes, you wont even know the APR rate, which is a bad thing.
The nice thing about applying online is that youre able to have choice. Instead of having one credit card company pushing one credit card, you can target a specific group of credit cards. So if youre looking for a student credit card, youre able to find a...