Collecting all your frequent flyer miles is a great idea. If you fly with one particular airline frequently, you can start collecting your points. You can later redeem these points for cash or a free ticket. You can even use a credit card to earn those points, without even traveling. However, airlines are not so pleased with your traveling for free. After all, selling the tickets and not giving them away for free earns them money. Therefore, while buying tickets of an airline that offer you points, you have to be extra cautious. There are some tricks by which you can not only get and redeem your points safely, but also earn extra points and stretch them over a longer duration.
While earning points, the things that you should concentrate on are:
– Every time you fly, choose a program that offers the most points.
– Follow all the rules and regulations.
– Look out for promotional letters, especially the ones promoted by partner companies.
– If buying flowers or staying at a particular hotel can earn you more miles, why not try it?
There are some techniques as well, to earn extra miles. If you are on a business trip,...