Consider all the possibilities.
Living as I do on the conjunction of three countries, that is Belgium, Holland and Germany, can make search engine optimisation (SEO) quite a challenge. Just in the surrounding area of the village I work from are four spoken languages so if you extrapolate that out to every possible combination of search terms, browser settings and computer language settings then you begin to see the scale of the problem.
Leaving aside the differing search terms and therefore your various sets of keyword targets, each different language user will have their own set of computer and browser language and preference settings that will give completely differing search results.
As a quick example try searching –
management consulting Liege
– on and
OptimaGest Management Consulting is 2nd out of 392,000 on and 24th out of 291,000 on (Don’t worry, I’m still working on the rankings)
So here are a few tips that I have picked up to make your job a bit easier.
First setup your browser for multilingual searches.
Arm yourself...