Did William Daniel have proper advice on asbestos disposal? This resident of Ohio was fined $22,600, ordered to perform 208 hours of community service and was sentenced to 13 months imprisonment on 21 Feb 2002 for violating the Clean Air Act. Daniel had improperly disposed 469 bags of asbestos waste thereby causing a grave danger to public health.
Condition of Asbestos is a Major Factor in its Disposal:
Depending on condition, we can divide asbestos into two major groups.
Friable that which can crumble by hand pressure such as insulation
Non-friable that which will not crumble under hand pressure such as asbestos sheets in good condition.
If the asbestos is in a non-friable condition, we can leave it as it is. Safety will further improve by painting the surface and edges with a sealing paint that will not allow fibers to escape. Smoothening the edges or surface will release fibers and is dangerous. Friable asbestos has significant risk of breaking up during handling and needs special care. You should seek adequate advice on asbestos disposal before disposing this dangerous contaminant.
General Advice on Asbestos Disposal: